喜新厭舊 Fickle lover
我們經常犯上一種毛病 ~~~ 喜新厭舊
或許,有一天,當我們在外面的世界碰到焦頭爛額的時候,才深深體會到 ~~~ 原來這些在身邊被遺棄的人,一直默默的、不離不棄的守護著我們。
此時此刻,在反思自己是否犯上同樣過錯之同時,我亦立下志向 ~~~ 我願意為其他人擔起這個守護者的角色。
We always commit a serious mistake ~~~ being a fickle lover.
We get excited easily by the freshness and newness of something that we come across. In the meantime, we'll abandon those people who once accompanied us and faced ups and downs together in the past. Yet, they neglect that actually these people played a very important role in the history of our lives.
Perhaps, one day when we get serious hurts by the cruelty of the outside world, we will realize that those people whom we've abandoned before is still protecting us without any regret.
At this moment, I keep on reflecting on what I've done in the past to see if I have committed the same mistake; meanwhile, I have a strong will of being the "Guardian Angel" of other people.